
The business side

  • The agreements among Organizers, LUSA, the Ecole de Légèreté, Philippe Karl and the Master Instructor of the United States courses, Bertrand Ravoux. They are set by Monsieur Karl and the Master Instructors with input from LUSA concerning the specific needs of Teachers’ Course locations in the US. These agreements concerning the organization of Teachers’ Course clinics may be changed according to decisions by Mr Karl or the Master Instructors. LUSA will inform Organizers of official changes in Teachers’ Course policy. 

  • An Organizer is responsible for maintaining a “Teachers’ Course” of a minimum of 10 clinics for the teachers in training to have the opportunity to complete the basic program (see information under “Teachers in Training”) plus a clinic for presentation of exams.   Ideally, the course should continue as long as possible while course riders and those who become certified can continue their education and maintain their certification. 

  • All the riders’ tuition ($850 per session) should be collected 2 weeks before Mr Ravoux’s arrival in the US and deposited in the LUSA account no later than one week prior to his arrival.  In this way we can pay Mr Ravoux on time (before he leaves Europe.)

  • Expenses that are paid by LUSA  (to be split among the courses and paid to LUSA by each organizer) above direct clinic expenses (and not included in the full rider fee given to LUSA) are:  1. Mr Ravoux’s flight and travel expenses.  2. Major Medical and Liability insurance coverage for Mr Ravoux during his teaching tours in the US. The organizer can then list these things as clinic expenses in their financial review with Mr Ravoux at the end of each clinic. These expenses need to be submitted to LUSA when invoices are presented by Mr Ravoux (travel expenses; usually 6 weeks prior to first clinic of the tour) or LUSA (insurance; usually a month before the first clinic of the tour. Some payments are annual.)

  • Courses with Mr Ravoux are designed to be or become teachers’ courses. The priority for riding spots is uniform throughout the school.  First priority is always Teachers in Training.  If there are other spots available at your clinic location, they then are made available (in order) to Reserve Riders (Teachers in Training in a course with more than 8 riders), Licensed Instructors/Teachers in Training to ride a 2nd horse, then Full Course Auditors (auditors who have agreed to audit 10 clinics concurrently.)  Next come regular auditors and then open riders. You must have at least 8 riders or lessons for each clinic you organize for Mr Ravoux. It is strongly suggested that Organizers maintain a backup rider list of 2-4 riders in case of unforeseen circumstances or cancellations.

  • The Liability Release signed by riders and auditors must include the Ecole de Légèreté, Philippe Karl, Légèreté USA and Bertrand Ravoux.

  • Riders already involved in the Ecole de Légèreté who wish to change clinic locations within the US or Canada must have approval from their Organizer, Mr Ravoux, the Organizer of the clinic they wish to transfer to and (if applicable) the Master Instructor they wish to change to.

  • Riders are not to attempt entry into the Ecole de Légèreté teachers course once denied by an instructor by riding with a different Master Instructor. This is a cohesive program and denial by one (or waiting for appropriate preparedness before entering the course) is, in effect, the same answer with another Master Instructor.

  • Mr Ravoux is sometimes willing to accommodate a 9th rider in the schedule. Please discuss this possibility with him before the clinic in question.

  • The agreed upon housing for a Master Instructor is a hotel where he can have time to rest and restore.  If you have need for an alternate housing situation, please discuss it with Mr Ravoux before the clinic in question.  

  • Mr Ravoux teaches eight 45 minute lessons, takes a 15 minute break every 2-3 lessons and takes a 1 1/2 hour lunch.   He is working very diligently in his third language and with the details he is imparting to each rider, he needs time to rest at lunch.   He gives lectures during Teachers’ Courses after the final lesson of the day and/or dinner.   Direct any other scheduling questions to Mr Ravoux.

  • It is part of the Organizers’ responsibility to advertise and draw as many paying auditors as possible.  This money goes to covering expenses incurred by putting on your clinic and growing interest in the methods of the Ecole de Légèreté. At the end of each clinic, the auditor fees paid and the use of that money is reviewed by the Organizer (or financial representative) and Mr Ravoux and a written financial review is given to Mr Ravoux.  The standard agreement is that any auditor money above expenses is split with Mr Ravoux. 

  • Auditor fees are set by the course Organizer. The recommended fee is $100 per day or $400 per clinic. We have received permission from M Karl (via email from S Stossel) to lower our auditor fees for the rest of this year (2019) and perhaps into next.  It will be seen if this is an effective means to draw more auditors or not.  This will be further discussed at the Master Instructor’s meeting in 2020. For now, the minimum fee is $50 per day.

  • It is expected from the Teachers in Training to help increase auditor attendance and thus help support their course location by encouraging their students and colleagues to audit.  

  • One groom per rider is allowed for 1/2 the auditor fee if the fee is $100 or more per day.  If the fee is less, the groom fee is nullified.  Family members of riders can be allowed to come in and watch one lesson without a fee. 

  • You are allowed, as an Organizer, up to 2 free auditor spots for people who help you organize and run your course clinics.

  • There is a Full Course Auditor program in the Ecole de Légèreté that Organizers participate in and help facilitate. For a (usually) reduced fee an auditor may agree (with contract) to audit 10 clinics (as consecutively as possible) so they may learn the basic method of the school. These auditors may not be interested in becoming Licensed Instructors because they do not teach or are already teaching and would like to add some clear understanding of Légèreté to their program. It is the Organizer’s responsibility to maintain a record of Full Course Auditors so the appropriate Full Course Auditor Certificate can be requested from Mr Ravoux upon completion. The Full Course Auditor Certificate does not license any person to teach in the name of Philippe Karl or the Ecole de Légèreté.

  • Full Course Auditors, during the duration of their contract (10 clinics), receive free auditing at any courses worldwide as to teachers in training and licensed instructors.

  • Horses ridden in a clinic with Mr Ravoux is to be ridden by the same rider throughout the clinic. Rider changes or multiple riders are not helpful for the education process of horse or rider.

  • Equipment for jumping (either ridden or lunging) is recommended for the group lessons on day four of Teacher’s Courses. 

  • At the 6th clinic (for each rider) and following, it is the Organizer’s responsibility to find and arrange for guest riders.  Each eligible teacher in training has a pedagogy session (teaching a rider they have never met under the supervision of Mr Ravoux) once per clinic.  Pedagogy sessions are usually scheduled after the regular lessons. (Each Teacher in Training that has a pedagogy session will have their regular lesson on that day.) This is a great opportunity for riders in your area to be exposed to Légèreté and get a lesson from a Teacher in Training.  Each of these sessions will last 1 hour: 10 minutes of observation by the teacher in training, 10 minutes for the teacher in training to ride the horse,  20 minute lesson and 10 minutes of discussion with Mr Ravoux and the other teachers in training.   This makes for some long days so help everyone be prepared and stay on schedule. 

  • When a Teacher in Training or a Licensed Instructor presents for an exam for licensing or increasing their level of certification, the Organizer is responsible to facilitate the copying of the presentation onto a memory device to be given to Mr Ravoux. Mr Ravoux will then present it to Mr Karl.

  • When a Teacher in Training or Licensed Instructor presents any portion of an exam it is scheduled during their regular lesson unless otherwise arranged by Mr Ravoux. This includes pedagogy, presentation of their own horse, presentation of a long time student, and the theory lecture.

  • Videoing is permitted only by one videographer arranged by the organizer. Only the riders are allowed to have these videos. The content of the videos cannot be made public without express permission of Mr Ravoux and Monsieur Karl. You may charge a reasonable fee to cover expenses like buying/maintaining a quality camcorder and copying the videos for the riders. This service is expected as the amount of information provided by Mr Ravoux cannot be amply absorbed without review.

  • Make it clearly known that photography/videography is prohibited without permission. All photographs taken during sessions with Mr Ravoux must be approved by him before use in any public forum. The simplest procedure is to limit photography to one photographer and make the policy clear to them and having them submit all photographs for approval. Often there are talented photographers that can be hired (or perhaps volunteer) for a small fee from each rider.

  • Mr Ravoux’s contracted fee is 150€ per rider per day. Depending upon the exchange rate, this can be from $170-$200 per rider per day per rider. We charge an amount above his fee for 3 reasons: 1. to cover the varying exchange rate between the euro and the dollar. 2. to build up enough money in the LUSA account for the purpose of renewing Mr Ravoux’s VISA and fees annually. 3. Accounting fees incurred by LUSA for regular business and preparing Mr Ravoux’s US taxes. This is why it is expected that the entire course rider fee be deposited in the LUSA account unless otherwise arranged for among organizers and LUSA.

  • When making deposits please characterize to LUSA what is in the deposits for our records.  

  • The above are the regular policy of Teachers’ Course Clinics held in the USA in accordance with the Ecole de Légèreté. Mr Ravoux reserves the right to change or arrange details within each clinic or clinics according to his assessment of various situations.

things you need to know

  • Your course riders should keep you informed (as well as Mr Ravoux) as to if they are planning on presenting any part of their exam at an upcoming Teachers’ Course. Then you can be prepared for any necessary arrangements including equipment for jumping (Level 2 and 3) and facilitating the copying of the applicable video footage to a memory device to be given to Mr Ravoux.

  • A sound system with remote microphone is needed Mr Ravoux. This provides clarity for both riders and auditors as well as preventing him from losing his voice during lessons. He prefers a lapel microphone to a headset.

  • Mr Ravoux does like to use a large easel pad and markers while presenting a lecture.

  • Do your best to provide an appropriate venue for Teachers’ Courses: an arena of appropriate size and footing, a fairly dust free environment, protection from the elements, and space for auditors to be comfortable. Mr Ravoux utilizes a table for taking notes during lessons and, obviously, should have a comfortable chair with a clear view of the working area.

  • Please provide a clear schedule for Mr Ravoux and all participants before the beginning of your clinic and do your very best to keep things on time. Mr Ravoux is very punctual so we need to to do our part as well to make things run smoothly.

  • Organizers must be clear if they are bringing in any NON US CITIZENS who are licensed teachers in the School, THEY MUST HAVE AN APPROPRIATE WORK VISA. NO EXCEPTIONS! This is why LUSA procures a VISA for Mr Ravoux as it is the only legal way to host a non resident worker of any kind.

  • On the last day of each clinic with Mr Ravoux, the Organizer (and financial representative, if applicable) go over the Auditor Income Review. They can also discuss any changes either party would like to see in making the most comfortable and efficient learning environment possible.

  • Please keep in mind the needs and comfort of your riders and auditors. Be a welcoming host with information they might need, a safe place for their horses, easy access to meals and refreshments. Some people have to travel great distances to ride with and audit clinics with Mr Ravoux and we want to do our very best to help them get the most out of their experience!

  • The Teachers’ Courses simply cannot function without Organizers and Volunteers! It takes a village of people giving their time, work and abilities to be able to offer this education to equestrians in the US! Thank you so much for your generosity and willingness to help!

LUSA (Légèreté USA) is a 501.c.3 non profit created for the US promotion and support of the historic, cultural and technical equestrian heritage that is Philippe Karl’s Ecole de Légèreté serving as the official US branch of the school. LUSA, in the oversight of the management and maintenance of US Teachers’ Courses, submits itself to the decisions and policies of Mr Karl and his school maintaining alignment with the missions and purposes thereof. LUSA oversees the US Teachers’ Courses, Licensed Instructors, Teachers in Training and the US teaching tours of Master Instructor Bertrand Ravoux.